Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Compare and Contrast assignment week Essays
Compare and Contrast assignment week Essays Compare and Contrast assignment week Essay Compare and Contrast assignment week Essay You want to look at the Week 5 Assignment, at the instructions for the final paper, which this assignment helps towards. Strategies for Selecting a Topic Complete the following table. Answer In the boxes below What two objects, people, subjects, or concepts are you going to compare and contrast in your Week 5 assignment? Once you choose the two, answer the questions below for those two only. I have decided to compare and contrast camping to leaping in a motel. What are three similarities between the two you have chosen? The three similarities should be adolescent from each other. The similarities between camping and sleeping in a motel are: 1. You can use linens such as blankets, sheets and pillows. 2. You can sleep in both places. 3. You can have privacy depending on where you camp or if you are in a tent. What are three differences between the two you have chosen? The three differences should be distinct from each other. The differences are: 1. In a motel you can control the climate with either heat or alarm conditioning and outdoors you typically are owning to be either hot or cold and you could be subjected to severe weather such as a storm. 2. In a motel you have your own shower verses while camping in a tent you are only going to have a shower if you are at a camp ground and in that case it will be a public shower. 3. Also in a motel you have the luxury of appliances such as a television, microwave and refrigerator. Are you going to focus on similarities, differences, or both? Explain your rationale. I believe my focus will be mostly on differences because there seem to be a lot more differences than similarities. I think it will be easier for me to contrast the two topics because there are so many differences. Who would benefit from reading your essay? In other who would be your audience? What do you want your audience to learn and understand after reading your essay? What is the purpose of your essay? I believe anyone that has never been camping or is trying to decide if they should camp or stay In a motel would benefit from my essay. My audience would be adult men and women that are thinking about camping verses staying In a motel. I would Like for my audience to learn what to expect when they go tent camping. The purpose of my say is to compare and contrast tent camping verses sleeping in a motel. What three parallel points of comparison or contrast will you address in your essay? For example, if you were going to compare and contrast two teachers, your three parallel points might be these: Each teachers homework policy Each teachers demeanor My parallel points of comparison and contrast will be each beds comfort level, each places climate, and each places luxuries. Explain why this is an appropriate and workable topic selection for the final assignment. I believe this topic is very workable for me because I love tent camping and have one a lot of it. I have also had the luxury of staying at a four star hotel. I think it would be considered appropriate. Rubric for Week 2 Individual Assignment Paper Section Possible You Scored Comments Content Two choices make sense 0. 4 Three similarities are logical and distinct 0. 9 Three distinct differences are logical and distinct Clear on what paper will focus on 0. 6 Clear on purpose and audience Clear on parallel points of comparison or contrast
Saturday, November 23, 2019
On Rhetoric, or the Art of Eloquence, by Francis Bacon
On Rhetoric, or the Art of Eloquence, by Francis Bacon Father of the scientific method and the first major English essayist, Francis Bacon published Of the Proficience and Advancement of Learning, Divine and Human in 1605. This philosophical treatise, intended as an introduction to an encyclopedic study that was never completed, is divided into two parts: the first part broadly considers the excellency of learning and knowledge; the second focuses on the particular acts and works . . . which have been embraced and undertaken for the advancement of learning. Chapter 18 of the second part of The Advancement of Learning offers a defense of rhetoric, whose duty and office, he says, is to apply reason to imagination for the better moving of the will. According to Thomas H. Conley, Bacons notion of rhetoric seems novel, but what Bacon has to say about rhetoric . . . is not as novel as it has sometimes been represented, however interesting it might be otherwise (Rhetoric in the European Tradition, 1990). On Rhetoric, or the Art of Eloquence* from The Advancement of Learning by Francis Bacon 1 Now we descend to that part which concerneth the illustration of tradition, comprehended in that science which we call rhetoric, or art of eloquence; a science excellent, and excellently well laboured. For although in true value it is inferior to wisdom, as it is said by God to Moses, when he disabled himself for want of this faculty, Aaron shall be thy speaker, and thou shalt be to him as God; yet with people it is the more mighty: for so Salomon saith, Sapiens corde appellabitur prudens, sed dulcis eloquio major a reperiet1; signifying that profoundness of wisdom will help a man to a name or admiration, but that it is eloquence that prevaileth in an active life. And as to the labouring of it, the emulation of Aristotle with the rhetoricians of his time, and the experience of Cicero, hath made them in their works of rhetorics exceed themselves. Again, the excellency of examples of eloquence in the orations of Demosthenes and Cicero, added to the perfection of the precepts of eloqu ence, hath doubled the progression in this art; and therefore the deficiences which I shall note will rather be in some collections, which may as handmaids attend the art, than in the rules or use of the art itself. 2 Notwithstanding, to stir the earth a little about the roots of this science, as we have done of the rest; the duty and office of rhetoric is to apply reason to imagination for the better moving of the will. For we see reason is disturbed in the administration thereof by three means; by illaqueation2 or sophism, which pertains to logic; by imagination or impression, which pertains to rhetoric; and by passion or affection, which pertains to morality. And as in negotiation with others, men are wrought by cunning, by importunity, and by vehemency; so in this negotiation within ourselves, men are undermined by inconsequences, solicited and importuned by impressions or observations, and transported by passions. Neither is the nature of man so unfortunately built, as that those powers and arts should have force to disturb reason, and not to establish and advance it. For the end of logic is to teach a form of argument to secure reason, and not to entrap it. The end of morality is to procur e the affections to obey reason, and not to invade it. The end of rhetoric is to fill the imagination to second reason, and not to oppress it: for these abuses of arts come in but ex obliquo3, for caution. 3 And therefore it was great injustice in Plato, though springing out of a just hatred to the rhetoricians of his time, to esteem of rhetoric but as a voluptuary art, resembling it to cookery, that did mar wholesome meats, and help unwholesome by variety of sauces to the pleasure of the taste. For we see that speech is much more conversant in adorning that which is good, than in colouring that which is evil; for there is no man but speaketh more honestly than he can do or think: and it was excellently noted by Thucydides in Cleon, that because he used to hold on the bad side in causes of estate, therefore he was ever inveighing against eloquence and good speech; knowing that no man can speak fair of courses sordid and base. And therefore as Plato said elegantly, That virtue, if she could be seen, would move great love and affection; so seeing that she cannot be showed to the sense by corporal shape, the next degree is to show her to the imagination in lively representation: for to sh ow her to reason only in subtlety of argument was a thing ever derided in Chrysippus4 and many of the Stoics, who thought to thrust virtue upon men by sharp disputations and conclusions, which have no sympathy with the will of man. 4 Again, if the affections in themselves were pliant and obedient to reason, it were true there should be no great use of persuasions and insinuations to the will, more than of naked proposition and proofs; but in regard of the continual mutinies and seditions of the affections, Video meliora, proboque,Deteriora sequor, 5 reason would become captive and servile, if eloquence of persuasions did not practice and win the imagination from the affections part, and contract a confederacy between the reason and imagination against the affections; for the affections themselves carry ever an appetite to good, as reason doth. The difference is, that the affection beholdeth merely the present; reason beholdeth the future and sum of time. And therefore the present filling the imagination more, reason is commonly vanquished; but after that force of eloquence and persuasion hath made things future and remote appear as present, then upon the revolt of the imagination reason prevaileth. 1 The wise-hearted is called discerning, but one whose speech is sweet gains wisdom (Proverbs 16:21).2 The act of catching or entangling in a snare, thus entrapping in an argument.3 indirectly4 Stoic philosopher in Greece, third century BC5 I see and approve the better things but follow the worse (Ovid, Metamorphoses, VII, 20). Concluded on page 2*This text has been taken from the 1605 edition ofà The Advancement of Learning, with spelling modernized by editor William Aldis Wright (Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1873). 5 We conclude therefore that rhetoric can be no more charged with the colouring of the worse part, than logic with sophistry, or morality with vice. For we know the doctrines of contraries are the same, though the use be opposite. It appeareth also that logic differeth from rhetoric, not only as the fist from the palm, the one close, the other at large; but much more in this, that logic handleth reason exact and in truth, and rhetoric handleth it as it is planted in popular opinions and manners. And therefore Aristotle doth wisely place rhetoric as between logic on the one side, and moral or civil knowledge on the other, as participating of both: for the proofs and demonstrations of logic are toward all men indifferent and the same; but the proofs and persuasions of rhetoric ought to differ according to the auditors: Orpheus in sylvis, inter delphinas Arion 1 Which application, in perfection of idea, ought to extend so far, that if a man should speak of the same thing to several persons, he should speak to them all respectively and several ways: though this politic part of eloquence in private speech it is easy for the greatest orators to want: whilst, by the observing their well-graced forms of speech, they leese2 the volubility of application: and therefore it shall not be amiss to recommend this to better inquiry, not being curious whether we place it here, or in that part which concerneth policy.à 6 Now therefore will I descend to the deficiences, which (as I said) are but attendances: and first, I do not find the wisdom and diligence of Aristotle well pursued, who began to make a collection of the popular signs and colours of good and evil, both simple and comparative, which are as the sophisms of rhetoric (as I touched before). For example:à Sophisma.Quod laudatur, bonum: quod vituperatur, malum.Redargutio.Laudat venales qui vult extrudere merces. 3 Malum est, malum est (inquit emptor); sed cum recesserit, tum gloriabitur!4 The defects in the labour of Aristotle are three: one, that there be but a few of many; another, that their elenches5 are not annexed; and the third, that he conceived but a part of the use of them: for their use is not only in probation, but much more in impression. For many forms are equal in signification which are differing in impression; as the difference is great in the piercing of that which is sharp and that which is flat, though the strength of the percussion be the same. For there is no man but will be a little more raised by hearing it said, Your enemies will be glad of this, Hoc Ithacus velit, et magno mercentur Atridae, 6 than by hearing it said only, This is evil for you.à 7 Secondly, I do resume also that which I mentioned before, touching provision or preparatory store for the furniture of speech and readiness of invention, which appeareth to be of two sorts; the one in resemblance to a shop of pieces unmade up, the other to a shop of things ready made up; both to be applied to that which is frequent and most in request. The former of these I will call antitheta, and the latter formulae.à 8 Antitheta are theses argued pro et contra7; wherein men may be more large and laborious: but (in such as are able to do it) to avoid prolixity of entry, I wish the seeds of the several arguments to be cast up into some brief and acute sentences, not to be cited, but to be as skeins or bottoms of thread, to be unwinded at large when they come to be used; supplying authorities and examples by reference. Pro verbis legis.Non est interpretatio sed divinatio, quae recedit a litera:Cum receditur a litera, judex transit in legislatorem.Pro sententia legis.Ex omnibus verbis est eliciendus sensus qui interpretatur singula. 8 9 Formulae are but decent and apt passages or conveyances of speech, which may serve indifferently for differing subjects; as of preface, conclusion, digression, transition, excusation, etc. For as in buildings there is great pleasure and use in the well casting of the staircases, entries, doors, windows, and the like; so in speech, the conveyances and passages are of special ornament and effect. 1 As Orpheus in the woods, as Arion with the dolphins (Virgil, Eclogues, VIII, 56)2 lose3 Sophism: What is praised is good; what is censured, evil.Refutation: He who praises his wares wishes to sell them.4 Its no good, its no good, says the buyer. But after he goes he exults in his bargain.5 refutations6 This the Ithacan desires, and for it the sons of Atreus would pay much (Aeneid, II, 104).7 for and against8 For the letter of the law: It is not interpretation but divination to depart from the letter of the law. If the letter of the law is left behind, the judge becomes the legislator.For the spirit of the law: The meaning of each word depends on the interpretation of the whole statement.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Research Paper Example Petite Palate specialized in producing baby food, and targeted Northeast and Midwest markets of the United States. At the time the company started its operations, the market had become significantly competitive due to the number of players that had already established operations in prior years. On the same note, the enterprise was essentially a gourmet baby food company that only pursued this line of production, unlike other players who had mixed lines of production for diversity purposes (Lawrence, Lyons & Wallington, 2012). The dedication by the enterprise to gourmet baby food constrained its operational strategies in terms of diversity. The baby food industry and the markets in this industry were experiencing an ever growing trend in terms of operational business enterprises and baby food and baby formula varieties before and during the time Petite Palate started its operations. As a result, competition in the targeted markets was relatively stiff. Petite Palate had to compete aga inst Gerber Baby Food, Beech-Nut Baby Food, Enfamil, and Carnation Formula among others. Most importantly, capturing Gerber customers was a significant operational challenge for Petite Palate. This was due to Gerberââ¬â¢s size, market share in the industry, and consumer loyalty that it enjoyed in the U.S markets. Petite Palate Companyââ¬â¢s business vision was to become one of the leading producers of frozen baby food. This followed the belief that such food was healthier for children, compared to other types of baby foods that were not frozen; like food contained in jars and pouches (Smith, 2007). This business vision lasted for four years, since the company started its operations in the year 2006, only to close four years later in October 2010. In the four-year period that the company operated, it remained within its belief of frozen baby food as opposed to shelf-stable formulations that its rival firms provided in the markets. Reasons for Failure Business enterprises fail d ue to myriad reasons, all of which revolve around their plans, business strategies, and overall operations. The most contributing factors to business failure are financial, market, or economic-based. Mismanagement of resources has also seen many businesses collapse on the verge of their success. Poor planning, overestimation of business potential, and poor implementation of business strategies are also contributing to business failure (Platt, 2009). In the context of Petite Palate Company, the setting of its operations could have foretold that failure was looming. The company set up its operations in a substantially competitive market, but then limited its production to baby food that could be frozen. As earlier mentioned, the company regarded frozen food as healthier that shelf-stable formulations. This was the belief of the companyââ¬â¢s founders; Lisa Beels and Christine Naylor. This belief plunged the company into a limited operational capacity at a time when market growth wa s exacerbating. In the year 2007, Petite Palate Companyââ¬â¢s products hit the Northeast and Midwest markets, selling in about 100 stores (Lawrence, Lyons & Wallington, 2012). The same year, the founders of the company prepared and presented Petite Palateââ¬â¢s business plan in a bid to mobilize investment funds and resources to the company from potential investors. The company hoped to raise an amount between two and a half and five
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Cannell Ltd Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Cannell Ltd - Case Study Example There is very little likelihood of profitability increasing in the near future, so either labour costs or materials costs will have to be cut back. Materials can be very hard to get at low prices, so Cannell would likely have to remain with its current suppliers. One area where Cannell could cut back is with its labour costs. But, to reduce its workforce could cause profitability to fall even further. The only way to decrease the percentage of labour costs is to increase labour productivity. This could be done in a number of different ways. One of the most common is by offering bonuses to employees who reach a certain level of output. This, in turn, encourages workers to increase their output so they can receive the benefits that Connell offers. Also, the company would benefit because input would remain the same but output would grow. If this occurred, then the company could possibly increase its profitability by reducing its prices and offering large sales. Once Connell Ltdââ¬â¢s profitability is high enough, the Connell Ltd can try to increase its output further by purchasing new machinery. One positive to this would be that labour costs would decrease compared to the total costs. However, if Connell Ltd is to increase labour productivity, then it will need to reduce its labour turnover of 11.4 percent. The problem with high labour turnover is that is takes new employees a while to get up to speed, and this reduces labour productivity. As long as the company is offering competitive wages and also providing employee benefits, then there is no reason to believe that this high labour turnover figure will remain high for too long. (b) The employees of any workforce are a large reason behind the success of a company. The case of Connell Ltd is no differentââ¬âthe manufacture of soaps, shampoos and other complimentary toiletries is a labour-intensive process. It is for this reason that the role of the employees is a huge determining factor in the success or failure of the company. I agree with the managing director in that the company should double its spending on training. A well-trained workforce can increase labour productivity and also produce goods at a faster rate. Because employees of Cannell Ltd work in teams, the collaboration among workers helps to either increase or decrease labour productivity. Training can take on many different meanings. Training about how to get along with fellow co-workers is perhaps just as important as learning new skills to perform a job. Increasing human capital can help Connell Ltd to match its larger competitors. Also, by training workers, they are more likely to enjoy their working environment because they will feel as though they are qualified to be employed by the company. One thing that Connell Ltd would have to watch out for is employees moving to a rival competitor after they have been trained by the company. Connell Ltd can help avoid this situation by (1) offering wages above the industry average; (2) Rewarding long-term employees through promotions and bonuses; and (3) only giving training appropriate to an employeeââ¬â¢s stature in the business. As long as training costs do not get out of hand, then there is no reason why the company should
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Complete Works of William Shakespear Essay Example for Free
The Complete Works of William Shakespear Essay A burn is an injury caused by excessive energy transferred to the body. There are four different kinds of burns. The first type of burn is a thermal burn. A thermal burn is caused by an external heat source that causes the temperature of the skin and tissue cells in the skin to rise which causes the cells to get damaged or die. Thermal burns are usually caused by coming in contact with open flames, hot metals, or scalding liquids. The second type of burns are radiation burns. Radiation burns are be caused by extended exposure to radiation, such as Ultra-Violetà radiation from the sun. The third type of burns are Chemical burns. Chemical burns are caused by coming in contact with strong acids or alkalies. The last type of burns are electrical burns. Electrical burns are burn from coming in contact with an electrical current. Along with the four types of burns, there are also three different classifications on the levels of the severity of the burn. The least severe level of burn is called a first-degree burn or a superficial burn. A first degree burn only affects the epidermis, theà outermost layer of skin. An example of a first-degree burn is a sun-burn. First degree burns do not usually have any long term affects but sun-burns have been known to cause skin cancer. First-degree burns are very minor an heal quite easily. In the area around the burn and undamaged skin cells in the basale, or deepest layer of the epidermis grow and begin to spread out over wound until it is covered. A hormone called epidermal growth factor causes the basale epidermal skin cells to multiply until the skin reaches it original thickness. The next level of burn is called a second degree burn or a partial thickness burn. Second degree burns involve the epidermis and the dermis, the layer under the epidermis. The burn will be red, blistered and may be swollen. Second degree burns are painful and may cause scarring. The worst level of burns is a third-degree burn. Third degree burns destroy both the epidermis and dermis and may even damage muscles, tendons, or bones under the dermis. The wound will appear white or charred. The victim will feel no pain because all of the nerve endings have been destroyed. Second and third degree burns have a much more complex way of healing. The healing process has four stages. The first is the inflammatory phase in which the blood clots and the wound gets inflamed to kill off microbes, foreign objects and dead skin. The next stage is the migratory phase in which the wound begins to scab. The cells around the scab begin to migrate under the scab to cover the wound. In third-degree burns skin cells need to be implanted to start cell growth. Also in this stage blood vessels and scar tissue begin to grow. The next stage is theà proliferative phase in which epidermal cells begin to grow rapidly under the scab and blood vessels continue to grow. The final stage is the maturation stage in which the scab falls off after the skin under the scab have grown to its original thickness. The process in which scar tissue is formed is called fibrosis. Scar tissue has fewer blood vessels than regular skin and will have a different structure than regular skin. Scar tissue is usually lighter than your normal skin because of the lack of blood vesselsMore scar tissue is needed in more severe wounds.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Just Do It For Me: The Roles and Responsibilities of A Teacher Essay
As new teachers leave the world of the University for the world of teaching, they often do not fully understand what is expected of them. The roles and responsibilities of a teacher can be vague and hard to understand when a new teacher is unwilling to ask questions of a mentor teacher, or the mentor teacher is unwilling to aid the new student. As Cathrine Le Maistre states in her paper, titled ââ¬Å"Mentoring Neophyte Teachers: Lessons Learned from Experienceâ⬠there is a much higher level of attrition after the first year of teaching than in any other year (2000). She believes that new teachers should be taught how to use their own minds, and not simply be given ââ¬Å"manila folder of notesâ⬠(La Maistre, 2000. p. 84) and be expected to follow them. At first she believes that experienced teachers are unwilling to help a new teacher, but later discovers that there is ââ¬Å"lot of sympathy for a newcomer needing helpâ⬠(La Maistre, 2000.p.85). La Maistre portrays b eginning teachers as overly confident in their own teaching abilities when they first leave their Bachelor or Education program. However the realize later that they are not yet ready, and still have a lot of learning to do before they become an experienced teacher. While Le Maistre was on her co-operative teaching program, her mentor teacher had handed her notes that he had used to teach Chemistry for a long time. Le Maistre believes that this does not help her learn to be an independent thinker, or to learn to plan lessons on her own. I believe that her mentor teacher should have made a bigger effort to teach her to be more self-reliant, instead of the large envelope of notes; he could have explained to her the process of making her own notes and given her his notes as an example, ra... ...eachers. If teachers are not responsible for their actions and the way they teach their students, then nobody will be responsible for the fate of the child. Baconââ¬â¢s writing suggests that he believes that certain roles in the childââ¬â¢s life, are the responsibility of the parent, and other members of the community; without these values, which include personality development and a sense of right and wrong, children would not be fully developed as people, and would have a harder time serving a higher purpose in society (2005) I agree with Bacon in that Albertaââ¬â¢s teaching system is more of a business plan, as it is even entitled ââ¬Å"Three-Year Business Planâ⬠(Bacon, 1995. P. 89) and seems to centre around the idea that children are mass produced objects that teachers are simply supposed to produce for the world, as if a school is little more than a factory for children.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
An ideal teacher Essay
Teachers, as we all know some are strict, some are lenient, and some are funny. Every teacher wants to be a good teacher. An ideal teacher is the one who is loved and respected by every student. A student will remember such a teacher long. How can a teacher become an ideal teacher? For years in this field, I would be happy to say, that is not an easy job. Will the students remember me after they have become a successful person? To start with, an ideal teacher is someone who is willing to get up every morning with great excitement to teach. Students do not like a harsh teacher. A teacher who is always find fault with the work of his students in any task and scold them a lot, is an object of fear for them. Such a teacher is respected by the students from outwards only, he is not respected by the students from the bottom of their heart. An ideal teacher should, therefore, have a good personality and abundant knowledge. He should know the psychology of students and also their individual problems. Knowledge is ever growing and so an ideal teacher should always prepare his lessons before he enters the class. He should be able to make the students feel interested in their subject and know that their minds are growing under his teaching. An ideal teacher is confident in his class. His voice is clear. What he says should have clarity. If he has knowledge of allied subjects, it would also help him to teach better. He is punctual, neatly dressed and disciplined. His character is perfect and spotless.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Ideal Person Essay
Ideal person An ideal person is is that man or woman who can easily deliver his or her thoughts and ideas in a perfect manner.Actually an ideal person possesses iron determination and is a moral giant in the true sense of the term.The qualities he/ she possesses are truthfulness, honesty,love for his fellowmen, taking oath not to hurt others, not to pain anyoneââ¬â¢s soul and try to bow before the worthy and be a balm for the bruised hearts.If all such qualities are manifested the salt of the earth is born. Can my dream be fructified? May be, I know it for certain that in the modern society most of the people are morally corrupt. If my ideal person emerges somehow from the rotten system he/she may be the pathfinder of those fallen souls leading them towards the dream destination.At that very time our beautiful planet may get rid of the blemishes. It is quite evident that man or woman with lofty ideals are not at hand but still there are people who can earn our reverence through their honesty and virtues.If they were not present in the society the Sun never blazed the Moon never glared.In the desert of corrupt populace they are nothing but the oasis,yet we know they are there with their gorgeous presence amid us. How to be an ideal person Always keep smiling. That does not mean to laugh for no reason, but it means to remain composed and confident Be as thankful as you can in your life. Of course, not all circumstances in life will be a happy one, but keeping your glace upward will improve your window of the world. Remain as truthful as possible. Avoid being pretentious and fake Stay calm and collected. Whenever someone provokes you, try not to explode. Rather than adding fuel to the fire, perhaps ask what is going on. If they do not want to answer, then just remain in the sidelines. Try not to expect things. Instead, why donââ¬â¢t you try lowering the bar of your expectations. If you expect the best, you have to give your best. Keep your mind on the goal, but have temperance and patience. If you want something, you have to work for it. Obtaining things in life can be easy, but most of the time it is difficult. So do not give up! Respect your elders, not only the ones you know but also the ones whomyou do not know. Meet them cheerfully and happily. Live life with enthusiasm and perseverance. We all have the same time on earth, so rather than looking down upon a situation or your life, change it so that you can be happier. Things will roll slowly, but with dedication, faith, hope, and love, you can turn things around or make your life far better than it is now. Love yourself in a sense that look upon the ones who are lower to you in wealth and in matters of greatness and good virtue look upon the ones who are higher than you in it.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Online MBA programs become attractive to Australian students Essays
Online MBA programs become attractive to Australian students Essays Online MBA programs become attractive to Australian students Essay Online MBA programs become attractive to Australian students Essay The managing director of the online forum and student website Business Because, Paul Clarke, claims that the business schools in Australia and their online MBA programs have become a real attraction for students who want to get an MBA. The reasons for this high interest are the high standards, the links that Australia has with South and East Asia as well as the great employment prospects ahead of the online MBA students. In the previous year, the content view and the interest has raised and doubled for schools like the Australian Graduate School of Management and the Business School in Melbourne. The level of interest for these schools and their online MBA programs is much higher that the interest for schools and online MBA business programs in Europe, especially in the UK. Mark McKenna, an accountant, 30, has just finished his full time online MBA which lasted one year at Melbourne Business School. He comes from London. Mark says he wanted to experience a different culture, to see how it is to work and live in some other culture. The biggest attraction at Melbourne Business School was the module ââ¬Å"business in Asiaâ⬠. The module allowed students, joined in teams, to work for China companies and be engaged in the companyââ¬â¢s consulting projects. Mark McKenna says he spent 2 weeks working for a US software mining company in Beijing. He worked on the reviews about the operational challenges and marketing challenges in China. In the last 3 years, the Business School at the University of Queensland has received 400% more applications. The dean of the University of Queensland, Professor Andrew Griffiths, said that the government of Queensland made very big biotechnology investments and these exact investments led to increase in the demand for IT experts and engineers with MBAs. The business schools from Australia have numerous links with markets from South and East Asia. The Sydney Business School has a close working relationship with the Jiao Tong University. This collaboration helps the businesses from China to enter the markets into Australia. Professor Richard Hall, the dean for management education, says that students at online MBA business programs have to understand the work of the Chinese companies so that they will be able to give the best advice. MBAs from Australia have better chances at getting visas than MBAs from Britain. Students from Britain are so attracted to these opportunities in Australia that each year, more and more students choose to go part-time and study in Australia. With their part-time studies or extended studies, they get qualifies for a working visa. Matt Barnett from London moved to Sydney and opened Verbate, a company for market research online. He was a student at AGSM and made a lot of contacts, so now, he has a rich list with clients. According to him, getting an MBA means you get the key that opens all doors and you can work with international companies.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Homemeade Kinetic Sand Recipe
Homemeade Kinetic Sand Recipe Kinetic sand is sand that sticks to itself, so you can form clumps and mold it with your hands. Its also easy to clean up because it sticks to itself. Kinetic sand is an example of a dilatant or non-Newtonian fluid that increases its viscosity under stress. You may be familiar with another non-Newtonian fluid, oobleck. Oobleck resembles a liquid until you squeeze or punch it, and then it feels solid. When you release the stress, oobleck flows like a liquid. Kinetic sand is similar to oobleck, but it is stiffer. You can mold the sand into shapes, but after a few minutes to hours, they will flow into a lump. You can buy kinetic sand in stores or online, but its a simple and fun science project to make this educational toy yourself. Heres what you do: Kinetic Sand Materials Fine play sandDimethicone [polydimethylsiloxane, CH3[Si(CH3)2O]nSi(CH3)3] Use the finest sand that you can find. Fine craft sand works better than playground sand. You can experiment with colored sand, but be aware the dyes may not work for the project. Kinetic sand that you buy in the store consists of 98% sand and 2% polydimethylsiloxane (a polymer). Polydimethylsiloxane is known more commonly as dimethicone, and it is found in hair anti-frizz gel, diaper rash cream, a variety of cosmetics, and in pure form from a cosmetics supply store. Dimethicone is sold in different viscosities. A good viscosity for this project is dimethicone 500, but you can experiment with other products. How to Make Kinetic Sand Spread dry sand out in a pan and allow it to dry overnight, or place it in a 250 F oven for a couple of hours to drive off any water. If you heat the sand, let it cool before proceeding.Mix 2 grams of dimethicone with 100 grams of sand. If you want to make a bigger batch, use the same ratio. For example, you would use 20 grams of dimethicone with 1000 grams (1 kilogram) of sand.If the sand wont stick together, you can add more dimethicone, a gram at a time, until you get the consistency you want. Homemade kinetic sand is similar to what you would buy, but the commercial product uses super-fine sand, so it may behave a bit differently.Use cookie cutters, a bread knife, or sandbox toys to shape the kinetic sand.à Store your sand in a sealed bag or container when you arent using it. Recipe for Homemade Kinetic Sand Using Cornstarch Cornstarch is the material mixed with water to make oobleck and ooze. If you cant find dimethicone or are looking for a cheaper alternative, you can make homemade kinetic sand that is essentially oobleck with sand. It will not be as easy to mold as dimethicone sand, but its still fun for younger explorers. The advantage over regular play sand is that this recipe will stick together, so you can have an indoor sandbox without tracking as much sand all over your home. Materials Large plastic tub or a small pool6 cups cornstarch6 cups water50-lb bag of play sand ââ¬â¹Ã¢â¬â¹Instructions First, make the oobleck by mixing the corn starch and water.Stir in the sand until you get the consistency you want. Its okay to add a bit more of any ingredient to get the perfect sand.If you like, you can also add a squirt of dishwashing detergent or a couple of spoonfuls of tea tree oil to help prevent bacteria or mold from growing on the sand.The sand will dry out over time. When this happens, you can add more water.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Learning profile Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Learning profile - Essay Example In the cardiac placement, I came across situations wherein patients would start complaining of chest pain and immediately nitroglycerine spray would be given three times after five minutes interval; later patient would be sent for angiography as patient would still be complaining of chest pain. All the above circumstances helped me increase my critical thinking skills. The role of nurses in all these encounters was very important and all of the situations were handled by the nurses very well. My previous clinical experience has helped me to use the critical thinking skills to provide patient care and will help me in this perceptorship. 2. Strengths in Clinical Practice (reflect on previous clinical rotations). I know my medications before administration e.g. effectiveness, side effects, signs of adverse drug reactions and/or drug interactions. I understand the importance of administrating medication on time and signing them on MAR after administration. I review documentation, prior d ocumentation and provide adequate time to document appropriately. My fluency in different languages (English, Punjabi, Urdu and Hindi) is an added asset for provision of care. E.g.
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